We’re only a few short months into 2016, and we’ve already seen some amazing indie games released. From rolling the dice with Choice Provision’s Tharsis to the twin stick shooting fun found in Assault Andorid Cactus, there have been no shortage of games to play. Oh, and a little known game called The Witness released. Did we mention this year has been packed so far?
The amazing thing is that this year is just getting started. There are even more incredible 2016 PS4 indies to come, and we’ve decided to highlight some of the most promising titles. Keep in mind that we only listed games that we know are coming this year, which is why some titles that don’t have time frames (such as Rime) didn’t make the cut. Check out our list of 2016 PS4 indies to keep an eye out for below:
We hope you enjoyed our look at 2016 PS4 indies that you should be keeping an eye out for. While we only listed 15 games, there are plenty of other promising looking titles that didn’t make the cut. After all, 15 really isn’t that many games when you consider how many come out in a year!
Let us know in the comments what 2016 PS4 indies you’ve enjoyed so far, and which ones you can’t wait to play later this year.
Essential Reading:
- PlayStation Vue: Everything You Need to Know
- 10 Import Friendly Vita Games Worth Playing
- PlayStation Vita: Is It Better to Burn Bright Than to Fade Away?
2016 PS4 Indies to Watch Out For
PS4 Indie Games to Watch Out for in 2016
100ft Robot Golf
No Goblin is quickly making a name for themselves by making hilarious, and ridiculously fun games. Their follow-up to Roundabout is 100ft Robot Golf, a PlayStation VR compatible game that has you turning entire cities into your own personal golf courses. It's completely over the top, and we can't wait to play it.
Abzû is Giant Squid's first game, and we can confirm that they are on the right track after going hands-on with the title at E3 2015. The underwater exploration game left quite the impression on us, as we haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Few games are this gorgeous, and the comparisons to Journey are apt.
Cosmic Star Heroine
Zeboyd Games are well known for making retro-style RPGs, and Cosmic Star Heroine is no different. Throwing the 16-bit era right on its head, Cosmic Star Heroine plays off established tropes in new ways. With a great sense of humor and an interesting battle system, there's a lot to like about this promising indie.
Crossing Souls
Crossing Souls resonated with gamers enough to get successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter, and is being published by the great team over at Devolver Digital. Dealing with topics such as life and death, this action adventure title looks to be quite the interesting journey.
Enter the Gungeon
Shooting stuff is fun. That's the basis for Dodge Roll's Enter the Gungeon, a super tight 2D shooter that is set up like a dungeon crawler. The gameplay already felt highly polished when we tried the title a year ago, and has only improved since then. If you like titles such as Nuclear Throne then this should be right up your alley.
Fenix Furia
Released on PC as Fenix Rage, Green Lava Studios' Fenix Furia is an improved version of the masocore platformer. With new difficulty options, and additional modes, this looks to be the definitive version of the title. Gamers are going to die over and over again, and enjoy every second of it.
Combining OlliOlli and Uniracers, it's easy to see why many are excited for FutureGrind. Milkbag Games' latest is fast-paced, challenging, and addictive. It has all the makings of a fantastic digital download, and we'll be giving it a go when it releases later this year.
Manifold Garden
Originally called Relativity, William Chyr's Manifold Garden looks extremely promising. The creator has a background in visual design, having made award winning ads, and it's striking graphical style can be seen in every screenshot. Players will be exploring the game's world and solving puzzles later in 2016.
Mind: Path to Thalamus
When we talked to Carlos Coronado last year about Mind: Path to Thalamus supporting PlayStation VR, he brought up a lot of interesting subjects. His experimentation with virtual reality seems to be a big success, and have made his first-person puzzle game even better. Mind looks to be one of the early standouts for PlayStation VR.
Night in the Woods
There's a lot of hype behind Infinite Fall's Night in the Woods. After all, the story-focused adventure game raised over 200,000 dollars via crowdfunding. The visually gorgeous game will release on PlayStation 4 was originally set to release in 2015, but was delayed into this year. Hopefully the game will be worth the wait, and we have a hunch it will be.
No Man's Sky
Obviously Hello Games' No Man's Sky was going to make the list. The breathtakingly gorgeous exploration game is extremely innovative, and we can't wait to explore its procedurally generated worlds come June. The wait is almost over!
Considering it is developed by former Telltale Games employees, it isn't surprising that Oxenfree tells a great story. While it released on Xbox One earlier this year, the ID@Xbox exclusivity should end after 6 months, meaning PlayStation 4 owners will get to enjoy Oxenfree later this year.
Ronin impressed on PC last year with its unique turn-based action. Players will have to have their thinking cap on to finish Tomasz Wacławek's game, and it's highly satisfying when completing a level. Devolver Digital will be bringing the Gunpoint inspired game to PlayStation 4 and Vita later this year.
Playing Drool's Thumper is an awesome, heart pounding experience. Described as a "rhythm violence" game, Thumper is a visually stunning game that has a great sense of speed and style. The two-man developer recently announced that it'll support PlayStation VR which will make it even more intense!
Even having played Wattam we're not sure what exactly it is. That's expected territory in a Keita Takahashi directed game, though, as the visionary is always surprising us with unique gaming experiences. Keita calls Wattam a "friend puzzle game," and we're looking forward to playing it later this year. Even if we're not 100% sure what that means.