Team Ninja takes the beach babes to a whole new level with this PSP spin-off of the popular Dead or…
In the latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine, its been "rumored" that Dead or Alive 5 is in development…
With Itagaki now out of the picture, Tecmo and Team Ninja have finally been able to focus on the Xbox…
When Tecmo brought out the big guns for E3 2009, we never thought it would come to this: On a…
PREPARE TO UNLEASH YOUR INNER NINJA IN TECMO’S NINJA GAIDEN® SIGMA 2 Exclusive Pre-Order and Collector’s Edition Package Available at…
Team Ninja isn’t quite finished with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and they are on schedule for a fall release. Word…
After a grand showing at the E3 2009 Expo, Tecmo Koei is ready to release impressive new screenshots of their…
The latest trailer for Team Ninjas upcoming game Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 shows off tons of game play. It shows…
[shal]Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2[/shal], which will be present at [shal]E3[/shal], also has a [shal]PSN[/shal] demo set to coincide with the world…
Ninja Gaiden Σ 2 Gamespot has scored the very first trailer for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2! Although I am here…
Itagaki's once 360 exclusive comes to PS3.